Overcoming the Fear of Losing Control With an Assistant: A Guide for Entrepreneurs

Ever felt that heart-stopping fear of losing control when you think about hiring an assistant?

You’re not alone. 

But here’s a twist – hiring an assistant could actually mean gaining control, not losing it.

Think of your business as a child. Just like the best parents need babysitters, your business needs more hands and minds to thrive. An assistant provides just that.

When you delegate, you’re not losing control. Instead, you’re pinpointing your focus on what truly matters – the big picture, the strategic vision, and the real growth drivers that allow your business to scale.

Here’s how to take this crucial step:

Start small.

Delegate less critical tasks first, and gradually expand their role.

When I first started, I gave my Assistant the task of writing podcast show notes. If they messed up, it didn’t ruin the business. Little by little I gave my Assistant more ownership and trust towards handling bigger tasks/projects.

Later on in our relationship, my Assistant was planning in-person events and came within 2% of the budget that I gave her. 

Don’t think of your assistant as just a “task-doer”. They’re a strategic partner. As this relationship develops, you’ll see your fear start to fade while your confidence starts to soar.

So, it’s time to break the fear, let go of your need to control, and watch your business truly thrive. 

Remember, you’re in good company. Many successful entrepreneurs have walked this path before you. 

Now it’s your turn!

Have you ever wondered when it is time to raise prices in your business?

It can be a tough decision, but it’s essential to keep your business growing profitably. In this article, we will discuss 5 signs that it is time to raise your prices.

Sign #1:

Happy customers are a good sign that your business is growing and that you’re doing a great job. One way to measure customer satisfaction is by using the net promoter score (NPS). 

If your NPS is above 80, it is an excellent indication that your customers are satisfied and that you can increase your prices. 

However, it’s not enough to have happy customers only at the time of purchase. You should make sure they are happy with your product or service 30, 60, or even 90 days after the purchase.

Sign #2:

Getting referrals from your customers is an excellent indicator that they’re happy with what you’re doing for them. Word of mouth is a powerful tool in the business world, and it’s the least expensive way to get new customers. 

If your customers are referring their friends and family to your business, then it’s a clear sign you’re doing something right. Time to consider bumping up your prices.

Sign #3:

Repeat customers is another great indication that you’re doing an excellent job. When customers are satisfied, they tend to come back and buy again. 

If you’re getting a lot of repeat business from your existing clients, it’s a good sign that you can start increasing your prices.

Sign #4:

If you’re not getting any price objections in your sales meetings, then that usually means price isn’t an issue. If customers are not concerned about the price when they find out how much it costs, then it means they see the value in it and are willing to pay for what it’s worth.

Sign #5:

Finally, having a growing number of testimonials or case studies is an excellent sign that your business is ready to increase your pricing. If you have a lot of evidence that you’re making a difference in your customers’ lives, it’s time to raise your prices.

In conclusion, raising your prices can be a difficult decision, but it’s essential for the growth of your business. 

It’s also one of the easiest levers to pull to increase your profits. 

If you have happy customers, getting referrals, repeat business, no price objections, and a lot of testimonials or case studies, it’s time to raise your prices. 

Remember, your customers are willing to pay for value, and if you’re providing that value, you deserve to be compensated for it.